Hydrogen comes – How can coatings enable the energy transformation
The energy sector is in transition, accelerated by the energy crisis in Europe. From the perspective of climate, we are in a hurry to move from burning fossil fuels to using renewable energy. At the center of the green transition is hydrogen, a clean-burning molecule that can be found everywhere in the nature. Renewable and low-carbon hydrogen is determined to be crucial for meeting the Paris Agreement goals to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors.
As a result, the global hydrogen market is predicted to grow significantly over the coming years. The European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) vision shows that by 2030, there will be five pan-European hydrogen supply and import corridors with almost 28,000 km of initial pipelines, connecting industrial clusters, ports, and hydrogen valleys. With a strong focus on sustainability and innovation, coatings manufacturer Teknos is looking to ensure that its products meet the needs of the future energy industry.
Coating solutions to the hydrogen industry
On the way towards the visions for hydrogen, there are still several uncertainties to tackle. For example, the challenge in transporting and storing hydrogen in pipelines, is that hydrogen may detrimentally influence the steel surface of the pipes.
“Green hydrogen can contribute to the growing energy demand, but we need to overcome some challenges. Hydrogen degrades the mechanical properties of most metals, accelerating fatigue and decreasing the fracture resistance of pipes, especially at dynamic pressure variations, which can cause pipeline parts to fail. Coatings can protect steel against the impact of hydrogen and in addition can significantly decrease the friction inside the pipe for more efficient transfer of gas. ” tells Andreas Karpow, R&D Manager Energy from Teknos Group.
Third-party recognized solutions for the energy sector
Teknos has a long history and track record in developing high-quality coating solutions for the energy sector. Drawing from this experience, it is a natural step for Teknos to expand into the hydrogen arena. Teknos is undertaking research with its products to ensure the safety and durability of future hydrogen infrastructure.
“We are proactively searching for solutions to support the hydrogen industry using our extensive experience gained from many years supporting the energy sector.” Andreas Karpow, R&D Manager Energy, Teknos Group, explains.
In 2022, Teknos worked with MÜLHEIM PIPECOATINGS GmbH as part of EUROPIPE GmbH’s hydrogen research program, in which different Teknos coatings were tested in pure hydrogen to evaluate their suitability for use in hydrogen transport. In the project, TEKNOPOX 3296-06 and TEKNOPOX 3297-00 coating systems performed well when tested in the pure hydrogen environment; no blistering, degradation or reduction of adhesion was observed.
“EUROPIPE’s pipes were internally coated with Teknos coatings. This was an important milestone indicating that our coating solutions can be used for hydrogen pipelines, supporting the transition toward green energy and demonstrating our strong commitment to sustainability.” tells Karpow.
More information:
Andreas Karpow, R&D Manager Energy, Teknos Group
email: andreas.karpow@teknos.com