Dust binding paint

Special paint for painting of caves, unheated indoor spaces and exterior walls and roofs protected from weather. Full-matt.

Uporaba: For dust binding of concrete, shotcrete, plaster, filler, brick, building board etc. surfaces and protection of concrete structures. Binds effectively a mineral surface to a dust free. Suitable also for maintenance painting of previously painted acrylate, latex and alkyd paint surfaces. Paint film "breathes" and does not prevent moving of normal structural moisture. Moisture resistance of the paint film is good and condensing water on the surface does not soak the colour. The product includes active ingredients protecting the paint film. White, effectively covering shade which increases the brightness, cleanliness and comfortability of the spaces with even one layer.

Priprava površine

NEW SURFACES: New concrete element or cast surface and shotcrete surface can be painted when a minimum of one month has passed after the casting, the surface is bound and no longer wet. It is recommended that new plaster surfaces are coated only after a hardening time of 3-5 weeks. PREVIOUSLY PAINTED SURFACES: Remove flaking and poorly adherent or pulverized (e.g. lime wash) paint coats. The method to be used is chosen depending on the strength of the substrate and the type of the paint to be removed (e.g. wire-brushing, hot pressurized-water cleaning or water-sand cleaning).


Surfaces are painted in 1-2 coats. By spray application an opaque and evenly coloured final result is usually achieved with one coat. Priporočena velikost airless šobe 0,017 - 0,021".

Pogoji nanašanja

Med aplikacijo in v času sušenja mora biti temperatura ozračja, površine in premaza nad +5 °C in relativna zračna vlaga pod 80%. The drying process and forming of the paint film will be slower in colder and/or damper conditions. Avoid freezing of the wet paint film.


Ne sme zmrzniti.
Suha snov cca. 33 % na volumen
Hlapne organske spojine (VOC) EU HOS mejna vrednost (kat A/c): 40 g/l. HOS produkta: max. 40 g/l.
Sijaj Polni mat
Gostota cca. 1,3 g/ml
Praktična poraba 4 - 6 m²/l. Practical spreading rate may vary considerably depending on the roughness and porosity of the substrate.
Čas sušenja - prašno suh 30 min
Čas sušenja - na dotik 2 - 3 h
Razredčilo Voda.
Čistilo Topla voda in RENSA BRUSH.
Barve Bela T1724 (T1327).
Pakiranje Bela T1724 (T1327): 20 l.
Varnostna priporočila Glej varnostni list.
Dovoljenja & certifikati Oznaka CE,Finska zastava s ključem,Razred M1