Glazing, Water-borne coating for pre-greying of facades

  • 1-component
  • Water-borne
  • Coating

PENTO FLUID SILVERWOOD 2125 is a glazing water-borne and weather-resistant coating for pre-greying of facades. Pre-greying makes the wood assume its natural grey tone and degrades over the years. The transition between the raw wood and the natural wood greying is therefore no longer visible. The result is a uniform facade appearance. PENTO FLUID SILVERWOOD 2125 is an open-pore, thin-film system with a modern formulation based on natural raw materials. Designed for industrial processing, can also be applied manually in some cases. The emulsion penetrates deep into the wood and provides long-lasting protection against moisture and dimensional changes. As with the other products in the PENTO FLUID family, maintenance coats are required at much longer intervals than with conventional facade treatments. Application is simple as the system is not film-forming.

Surface preparation

Every substrate must be well-cleaned, dry and free from grease and oil. Coating removal: Sand


Stir or shake the product well for several minutes before use, if necessary by machine.

Application conditions

Recommended temperature for surroundings and product: +15°C-25°C. Do not apply below +10°C.


Storage temperature is +5°C - +30°C. Store in a tightly closed container.

When using for red cedar please contact our application engineering team. The product only accelerates wood greying and the shade can vary depending on the wood species. We recommend testing the product on a sample of the original wood, taking the application method into account.
Weight solids abt. 44 % by weight
Volatile organic compound (VOC) abt. 17 g/l
Tinting system Largo
Theoretical spreading rate 100-150 g/m²; 8 m²/kg
Density abt. 1 g/ml
Drying time – dust free after 6 hours
Drying time – through-dry after 3 days
Drying time - overcoatable after 24 hours
Clean up Wash the equipment immediately after use. Water, VERDÜNNER 1300-98.
Colours Grey tones.
Safety markings See safety data sheet.
Approvals & certificates Swiss environmental label UE V, class C
Gloss value 20