Bridge repairs streamlined thanks to waterproofing with polyurea
Waterproofing bridge decks with complete Teknos’ Polyurea coating system enables continuation of the traffic during bridge renovation and speeds up the turnaround time.
Teknos has launched a two-component elastomeric coating TEKNOPUR 400 developed based on modified polyurea technology, which makes it a cost-efficient option for waterproofing and creating durable roof and concrete surfaces.
TEKNOPUR 400-800 withstands hard abrasion and has good mechanical properties, providing a durable surface that manifests great wear resistance. It is especially recommended for creating durable roof and concrete surfaces, but can also be used for wood, geotextile and foam substrates. The modified polyurea is also suitable for coating exterior and interior spaces and available in various shades as per agreement.
In terms of application, the product is easy to spray because of the well-levelling surface thanks to a longer gel time. It also helps prevent the clogging of the spray gun, as might be caused by pure polyurea, which means the equipment stays clean longer. TEKNOPUR 400-800 uses the same hardener as most of the Teknos polyureas, therefore it is easy to switch products.
In the case of roofs, TEKNOPUR 400 provides seamless coating, for waterproofing and maintenance of bituminous, metal sheeting and tile roofs (e.g. concrete, clay). When coating roofs with polyurea, there’s a great benefit of no Hot Work required, meaning there is no risk of fire, as no flammable compounds are used during application.
For concrete floors, TEKNOPUR 400 is suitable for coating areas with light traffic e.g. business premises or non-motorized traffic routes. The product is granted with CE approval for protection and waterproofing of concrete structures.
Modified polyurea – two-component elastomeric coating
“TEKNOPUR 400 is nowadays our most used product for roofs and concrete yard decks. It is an excellent solution especially for waterproofing concrete yard decks. The product quality is very consistent and very clean in a sense that there’s nothing extra left on the filters. Spray gun nozzle stays in good condition much longer with the 400, compared to pure polyurea. This is an important factor when large quantities of coating are used.”
Timo Pihlava, Lännen Pinnoitetyö Oy
An expert company in polyurea coatings and polyurethane insulation for construction and industry in Finland.
”We have chosen to use Teknos polyurea because it performs well and the available variants are fit for our common applications. Teknos provides secure deliveries, as well as commitment, support and the know-how.”
Tomas Andersson, DAB Group SE
One of Scandinavia’s leading companies in sealing layers, cast asphalt pavements and concrete renovations on bridges, P-decks and other concrete structures.
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