In 2020, Teknos site in Denmark reduced its energy consumption by 13 percent in relation to production. The Danish site is located in Vamdrup, a town of approximately 5,000 inhabitants in Jutland, Southern Denmark, and produces 23–24 million litres water- and solvent-based liquid paints and UV lacquers and thinners per year, almost a quarter of Teknos Group’s production. For example, Teknos AQUATOP 2600, a water borne exterior wood protection for windows and doors is manufactured in Denmark. The site is operated on electricity, 70% of which comes from wind energy.
Datalogging helps to detect “energy guzzlers”
One of the keys behind the energy savings in Vamdrup are 20 dataloggers that were installed in the factory in spring 2019. Dataloggers are electronic devices, which monitor and record parameters over time, allowing data to be measured, documented, and analysed. In Vamdrup, the dataloggers monitor the use of electricity and natural gas for ventilation, heat pump, heating of binder tanks and compressor. The team in Denmark makes informed decisions based on this data and tests different options to find best practices.
“We began datalogging the functions that had the best reduction potential. The data enables us to improve our processes to operate more energy efficiently and detect deficiencies. We also make experiments to find new ways of doing things, and the data shows almost immediately the results of these tests”, explains Brian Creutz, Plant Manager at Vamdrup site in Denmark.
Energy savings equal the annual greenhouse gas emissions of 346 passenger cars
In just over two years, the site in Denmark has reduced 1755 tons of carbon dioxide while also saving tens of thousands of euros in costs. The CO2 reductions equals the energy use of 192 homes for one year or greenhouse gas emissions from 346 passenger vehicles driven for one year*.
“We started seeing the results enabled by datalogging immediately. In 2019, we reduced energy by four percent and in 2020 by 13 percent. We had conducted actions to save energy already before installing the dataloggers, but we were surprised to see the additional energy savings potential. With our reductions and energy efficiency measures, we can also support our clients in achieving their own sustainability goals as they monitor the annual emissions of their suppliers”, Creutz continues.
Scalable solutions for the future
Next, the Danish site is considering investing in a new heat pump for further energy and cost savings. In other Teknos sites, similar datalogging solutions can be planned in the future. In addition, Teknos continues with existing energy efficiency initiatives in its sites, invests in energy efficient technologies in its new premises, and evaluates options to produce or purchase renewable energy. It can be estimated that by adopting the practices of the site in Denmark in all Teknos sites, Teknos could with those solutions alone reach its 5 percent annual energy efficiency and reduction target or possibly even exceed it.
*Source United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA, https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator