The RTD12 KURO log stacker is designed for long life and durability. Teknos paint systems have not disappointed this titan laboring away even in challenging conditions.
RTD12 KURO, launched two years ago, is the first log stacker designed and produced entirely by SKS Toijala Works Oy. The company started the contract manufacturing of log stackers for Kalmar in 2003 and acquired its log stacker business ten years later. It was then that the brand name was changed and a new generation of titans, TW LogStackers, was born.
SKS Toijala Works has a long history of contract manufacturing also for other large companies, including John Deere, Metso Minerals, Sandvik and Tana. It goes without saying that the high quality of products is of utmost importance for all these partners.
Cellulose and paper factories and large sawmills all favor the biggest one of the bunch, RTD3126, which has a lift capacity of 31 tons. RTD3126 can unload a truck in one take and lift the load to a height of 7.9 meters.
The sawmill powerhouse RTD1723 is good at unloading trucks and working on sorting lines. It can easily transport and lift the round logs to the saw table or to a storage at a height of 7.2 meters. The RTD1723 log stacker has a lift capacity of 17 tons.
The new RTD12 KURO is the smallest log stacker of the bunch and excels on the lumber yards. Its lift capacity is 8-12 tons and it can stack the logs to a height of up to 7.9 meters.
Logistics is the key for the whole lumber handling process. Leaving valuable lumber to decay in piles is not an option. From the perspective of the users, the most important features of a log stacker are reliability, dependability and economic efficiency.
“There are 8,760 hours in a year and these machines are in use an average of 4,000-6,000 hours, sometimes even 8,000 hours a year. The engine is practically running all the time,” says Juha Manninen, Product Manager of TW Log Stackers.
“Our log stackers are used under very challenging circumstances and their life cycle is exceptionally long. We want to lead the way in terms of technology. The durability of our machines is the result of a long product development,” Manninen emphasizes.
“A happy customer is the best selling point and also the best reference,” Manninen adds.
All the main components of the log stackers, the boom, the grapple and the frame, are painted in Toijala using Teknos' polyurethane paint system. The cabins are coated with INFRALIT powder coating by a subcontractor.
The foreman of the paint shop, Seppo Oksa, has long experience of Teknos' paint systems.
“I have been here for ten years and we have never had any major problems with the coating process. This is a good and well-functioning system. At times there have been a few smaller problems, but almost every time the culprit has been pre-treatment. It is extremely important to ensure cleanliness before the coating process,” Seppo Oksa emphasizes.
“It is good for the product that we can do the painting ourselves. We paint big, heavy and complex parts, which come with their own challenges for the treatment,” Oksa explains.
The frames are painted using a 2-layer epoxy-polyurethane paint system. TEKNOPLAST PRIMER 7 functions as primer and TEKNODUR COMBI 3430 as top coat.
“The Combi alone would be enough for the frame, but with big parts we like to use a primer since this makes it easier to spot potential defects in the surface. It also allows for a more even spray coating of the top coat,” says Seppo Oksa.
Find out more: www.twlogstacker.fi and www.sks.fi
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