Uue tuletõkkevärvisüsteemi kasutuselevõtt
Rootsi tööstuslik värvitöökoda Ahnelövs ja pikaajaline pinnakattematerjalide tarnija Teknos katsetasid uut, järgmise põlvkonna pinnakattesüsteemi, mis kaitseb tulekahju ja korrosiooni eest.
The gorgeous industrially decorated Steam hotel in Västerås, Sweden by Lake Mälaren is protected with anti-corrosive and fire protection coating system by Teknos and Hensel.
The hotel is a former steam power plant and part of the Swedish cultural history. The 100-year-old building used to be one of the country’s biggest energy producers in the earlier days. Just until the building turned 100 years it was rebuilt into a modern hotel. The hotel is a combination of old and new, consisting of 18 floors, 227 rooms, restaurants, bars and a spa.
Teknos provided intumescent paints in co-operation with Hensel to this culturohistorically valuable building/refurbishment project.
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