RENO GRUND 3300-00

Grain-accentuating alcohol-based 1C parquet primer

  • 1-component
  • Solvent-borne
  • Primer

RENO GRUND 3300-00 is an alcohol-based parquet primer with good grain-accentuating properties. The coating is suitable in the renovation sector for isolating stain-forming substances from the wood substrate and is also suitable on woods that are rich in tannins such as oak and exotic wood species. RENO GRUND 3300-00 reduces the tendency to side edge bonding and therefore lowers the risk of the formation of wide joint cracks (block cracks).

Surface preparation

Every substrate must be well-cleaned, dry and free from grease and oil. Coating removal: Sand


Stir or shake the product well for several minutes before use, if necessary by machine.

Application conditions

Recommended temperature for surroundings and product: +15°C-25°C. Do not apply below +10°C. Ideal surface and object temperature for application: +18°C-22°C. Avoid application in direct sunlight. Underfloor heating systems must be adjusted well in advance.


For more information on wood floor surface treatments and their use, visit


Storage temperature is +5°C - +30°C. Store in a tightly closed container.

We recommend priming twice for woods with a high active substance content, herringbone floors and special exotic wood species. When using RENO GRUND 3300 as a primer, always use a separate roller.
Volatile organic compound (VOC) abt. 697 g/l
Theoretical spreading rate 125 g/m²; 8 m²/kg
Density abt. 0.84 g/ml
Drying time – dust free after 60 minutes
Clean up Wash the equipment immediately after use. VERDÜNNER 1000-98 or POLITURSPRIT 4100-98.
Colours Colourless.
Safety markings See safety data sheet. Do not smoke during the application and keep away from ignition sources.
Approvals & certificates Swiss environmental label UE II, class F