Digital printing has become a common technology in the furniture and flooring industry. Finishing requires the right products. As a leading supplier in this segment, Teknos offers coating solutions for almost every requirement of digitally printed surfaces and digital embossing.
Digital printing has rapidly increased in the woodworking industry in recent years. In the furniture industry, this technology is booming, and flooring manufacturers strongly rely on it too. Digital printing offers almost unlimited design options and is more flexible and reliable than conventional decor papers.
Finishing digitally printed surfaces requires special coating solutions. The primer must be adjusted to the print and ensure adhesion on the substrate. The protective lacquer must achieve the right functional properties, optics and haptics, and it must be suitable for the printed surface.
As one of the first paint manufacturers, Teknos has addressed the requirements of digitally printed surfaces. Teknos closely cooperates with machine and ink manufactures and has more than 10 years of experience with all relevant substrates, printing technologies and inks on the market. As a leading supplier in this segment, Teknos offers a comprehensive line-up of primers, sealers and protective lacquers for almost all digital printing requirements. Teknos UV lacquers produce sustainable, long-lasting finishes in fast, low-VOC processes.
Teknos primers ensure perfect adhesion both on the substrate and on the printed ink. The UVILUX PRIMER (100% UV) and TEKNOLUX AQUA PRIMER (UV water-borne) product lines offer high performance primers for a variety of substrates including melamine, aluminium composite and chipboard.
Teknos sealers prepare the substrate with the required basic tint before printing and ensure functional properties, such as abrasion and scratch resistance, depending on individual requirements. The UVILUX SEALER product line offers several 100% UV solutions for VOC-free processing.
For protective lacquers, the Teknos portfolio offers almost unlimited finishing options. Gloss grades from deep matte to high-gloss are available. An outstanding solution for high-gloss furniture finishes is the Teknos UV lacquer UVILUX 651-160 which achieves a deeply brilliant surface in unique quality.
In terms of functional properties, Teknos protective lacquers easily meet the highest requirements for abrasion and scratch resistance. There are also special solutions for anti-fingerprint finishes as well as colourless effect soft touch lacquers for velvety, ultra-matte surfaces.
Whatever the requirements, our experienced technical support engineers will help to find the best solution for your digital printing production line.
Another innovative technology is digitally produced 3D surfaces (Digital Embossing). The process is based on the interaction of 3D texture and coating and makes specific demands on the top coat.
Teknos has addressed the requirements of this innovative technology as one of the first paint manufacturers and is able to offer mature solutions. As an innovation partner, Teknos has co-operated in the development of myTEXTURE, a solution of the Italian ink manufacturer ZEETREE which is perfect to digitally produce nature-like wood or stone surfaces with positive or negative textures. The close co-operation between Teknos and ZEETREE ensures best scratch resistance, abrasion resistance and adhesion when using this technique with the Teknos UV lacquer.
Whatever the requirements with digital printing or digital embossing, our experienced technical support engineers will help to find the best solution for your production line.
Naguwib Ab. Samad
Sales Manager, Flat Panels & Flooring
+6012 7739400
UVILUX PRIMER 621-160 (5-10 g/m2)
digital printing
UVILUX SEALER 661-160 (40-50 g/m2)
UVILUX 651-160 (40-50 g/m2)
TEKNOLUX AQUA PRIMER 471-199 (5-10 g/m2)
UVILUX SEALER 661-199 WHITE (20-30 g/m2)
digital printing
UVILUX SEALER 661-199 (30-40 g/m2)
UVILUX 651-110 (15-20 g/m2)
UVILUX PRIMER 621-199 (5-10 g/m2)
digital printing
UVILUX 651-110 (10 g/m2)