Tips on Decorating with your Valentine
Some insightful advice on how to survive decorating with a partner!
As the rest of the world seems to be talking about the impending ‘V’ day this Saturday, we thought we’d jump on the bandwagon!
This week we’re offering some crucial advice on how to hang on to your Valentine throughout an interior design project. AKA: Decorating tips for couples!
Eeeek…here goes:
As we all know, the secret to a good relationship is compromise. Apply this rule to your decorating decisions as a couple and you should be on the straight and narrow to interior designed bliss. For instance – if you partner is a pink person and you are a yellow fellow, create feature walls that allow each of you to have your colour on display. If that’s not an option, try painting a piece of furniture in someone’s favourite colour, just make sure that yellow and pink have their say and display equally.
Stick to the task in hand
Keep relationship issues and design issues separate. Painting the living room walls shouldn’t degenerate into an argument over whose family are more irritating. If you like the other person’s choice of sofa or paint colour, be sure to tell them - even if they have spent the last day dismissing all of your ideas. This isn’t a competition lovers!
Play it safe
If you both have quite out there taste, perhaps there are some areas where you could just play down your eccentricity and pick something you both like. Bear in mind that grey and green are considered the most gender neutral colours as are some shades of violet and blue. Stick to colours you know you both like, rather than ones you know you love and your partner hates. If you can’t find any mutual ground – consider finding a new Valentine? Joke.
Tips for the future
Last but by no means least – try to choose someone that lets you get on with it, takes a back seat and has absolutely no opinion or desire to comment or think about interior design. Now that’s a true Valentine! ;)