Part Q guidelines
Part Q guidelines
Introduced in October 2015, the new Part Q building legislation in England has been designed to resist unauthorised access to houses and flats, with particular reference to new builds and change of use conversions. The Welsh Government are also currently consulting on the new requirements, whilst in Scotland provisions to facilitate enhanced security on dwellings has been in place for some time.
What does this mean for window and door manufacturers?
PAS 24: Doors and windows should be manufactured to a design shown by test to meet the security requirements of PAS 24:2012, or other standards providing similar or better levels of performance.
Doorset letter plates: to hinder anyone from removing keys with a stick or by inserting their hand, doorset letter plates should have a maximum aperture of 260mm x 40mm and incorporate a flap or other feature to restrict access.
Viewers and front door glass: the main door into a dwelling must be fitted with a door chain or door limiter. They should also have a viewer or other means to see callers, such as clear glass either in the door or adjacent window.
When does the new legislation come in to play?
The new requirements are already in place and manufacturers should be abiding by these except in the following circumstances:
· Building work that started before 1st October 2015.
· Work submitted before the 1st October 2015 (and work due to start on site before 1st October 2016) for building regulations approval made either with the Local Authority Building Control department as a building notice or full plans application, or via an Approved Inspector as an initial notice.
Where can you go for further information?
Further information is available on the BWF website . AlternativelyWWA members can call the BWF technical helpline on 0844 209 2610.