Top coat for protecting wood ends

A water-borne acrylate based paint.

For painting and protecting edges of building timber: building logs, pillars and gluelam beams. Forms flexible and weather resistant film. Areas of use are buildings that are under construction or already completed. For outdoor and indoor use. Paint is applied locally on the edges of logs and beams. To be used colourless or tinted.

The paint has very low water permeability. Reduces changes in the moisture content of solid wood edges. Effectively reduces cracking.

Surface preparation

The surface must be clean and dry. The moisture content of the wood is to be below 20%.


Before use stir the paint thoroughly. Apply the paint by brush. Apply the paint in 2 or 3 coats. Each coat must be allowed to dry before a new coat is applied.

Application conditions

During the application and drying period the temperature of the ambient air, the surface and the paint shall be above +5°C and the relative air humidity below 80%.


Must not freeze. The best storage temperature is between +10 - +25°C.
Solids abt. 43 % by volume
Volatile organic compound (VOC) EU VOC limit value (kat A/d): 130 g/l. The product's VOC: max. 130 g/l.
Gloss Semi-matt
Tinting system Teknomix
Drying time – dust free after 1 h
Drying time – touch dry after 1 h 20 min
Thinner Water
Clean up Water.
Packages Base paints 1 and 3: 0,9 L, 2,7 L
Safety markings See Safety Data Sheet.