Premium quality with Teknos paints
Porta KMI Poland, one of the leading door manufacturers in Eastern and Central Europe, is using Teknos coating solutions.
Need help selecting the right paint for your application? LIGNA presents state-of-the-art products for the industrial manufacture of interior doors - water-borne and UV curing products that meet virtually every requirement.
Outstanding filling, effective blocking properties, vertical spray processes – the requirements for coatings are high in the industrial manufacture of interior doors. Teknos offers an extensive range of paints for different industrial processes in this segment. Many door manufacturers place their trust in these Teknos solutions. Porta KMI from Poland is one such manufacturer and with a production capacity of 95,000 door panels per month, it is one of the leading door manufacturers in Eastern and Central Europe. Porta uses the TEKNOCOAT AQUA PRIMER 1875 and TEKNOCOAT AQUA 2580 as the topcoat. The high surface quality, outstanding smooth surface, minimum fibre raising, and high mechanical and chemical resistance of Teknos coating solutions were key factors in Porta selecting the products.
Examples from the Teknos range will be on display at LIGNA. Here is an overview of the most important Teknos products for internal doors:
AQUAFILLER 1100. All-purpose water-borne filler with good filling properties. Suitable for spray applications (horizontal and vertical) and vacuum processes.
TEKNOCOAT AQUA PRIMER 1875. Water-borne filler with impressive filling properties. Good edge filling, minimum fiber raising, excellent surface smoothness.
TEKNOSTAIN 1996. New water-borne stain for accentuating the color and grain structure of the wood. Available ex works in a large selection of tones for spray processes (TEKNOSTAIN AQUA 1996-00) and rollers (1996-20).
TEKNOCLEAR AQUA 1338. New water-borne 1K clear topcoat with excellent transparency and rapid hardening properties. Fully transparent, even after three coats. Outstanding flow properties, even with minimal application of 70 g/m². Available in gloss levels 10-60.
TEKNOCOAT AQUA 2577. New water-borne topcoat with excellent blocking and anti-burnishing properties. Quick drying and stackability, short process times.
TEKNOCOAT AQUA 2580. Water-borne topcoat for particularly resistant surfaces. Excellent filling and blocking properties, quick drying. Ideal for high line speeds.
TEKNOLUX AQUA 1728. Water-borne UV for high quality wooden surfaces, available as a pigmented or clear topcoat. Extremely short process times in combination with quick UV drying. Produces highly durable surfaces as per DIN 68681 class 1 B and IKEA IOS-MAT-0066 (class R2). Can be toned with the TEKNOCOLOR tinting system.
UVILUX 1456. UV-curing sealer for roller application. Extremely good filling and sanding properties.
UVILUX 1754. UV-curing primer with strong hiding power. Available from factory in different tones.
UVILUX 6450. UV-curing clear coat with extremely good flow properties. Produces resistant surfaces with a high degree of chemical resistance. Available in gloss levels 5-90.
For more information, visit the Teknos booth at the LIGNA exhibition, read the new Teknos brochure for wood interiors or consult your Teknos contacts.
State-of-the-art products for the industrial manufacture of interior doors - water-borne and UV curing products that meet virtually every requirement.