How do I know the paint is low-emitting and safe to use?
Paints contain volatile organic compounds, VOCs. VOCs are harmful to health and the environment in large quantities, both when painting and with exposure over time. That’s why it is important to recognize and use low-emitting paints. For a long time, the coating industry's unified goal has been to switch to waterborne products that reduce emit significantly less VOCs evaporating into the air very significantly.
There are low-emission paints on the market that release into the breathing air fewer compounds into the air than others. The number of volatile compounds in the paint can be measured and the low emissions are indicated by the M1 classification, Nordic Eco Label and, in particular, the Allergy label. Choosing the M1 classified, waterborne paint is a good choice. Paints with Allergy Labels and Nordic Ecolabels have even stricter requirements for emissions, and they are even safer choices.
M1 classification
M1 classification is a product-specific label granted for low-emitting building materials. The M1 classification has strict limit values for the total amount of volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, ammonia, and carcinogenic compounds, as well as the smell of the product. The measured value of the M1 classification is taken 1 month after painting and the Allergy Label 3 days after painting.
Allergy label
Products classified with an Allergy Label are required to be M1 group according to the emissions classification system for construction materials. They must also have undergone testing of TVOC emissions, which must be less than the limit value of 800 micrograms/m2h, after 3 days. Teknos follows constantly the evolution and development of these regulations and changes its operations in accordance with those.
Paints should always include instructions for safe use both on the packaging and on the website. The material safety data sheet shows all the ingredients contained in the paint that can cause harmful reactions. For example, please view Biora Balance interior paint and its safety data sheet.